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Machinery & Equipment

Graphic Arts:

High Speed RotoGravure Printing Presses

Converting Machinery and Equipment

Quality Control Tools like Densitometers, Spectrophotometers

Colour Management Solutions including Ink Formulation software and Q.A. / Q.C. software

Viewing Booths and Light tubes for visual colour matching

Consumables (digital, offset, inkjet and rotogravure)
RotoGravue Grinding Wheels for Copper and Steel cylinder 

Confectionery and Food Processing:

Enrobing and Tempering machines. One-shot machines and complete moulding lines.

Ball Mills, Refiners and Conches for chocolate production

Triple roll mills and cocoa bean processing plants, including Winnower, Cocoa Butter Press, etc

Polycarbonate and industrial moulds for chocolate production. Systems for cleaning of the same

Wafer, biscuit and ice-cream cone production lines

Snack food and extrusion lines

Candy/ Mogul production plants

High speed wrapping machines for the above


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